Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thoughts on Uranus opposition Saturn Nov 4 2008

Thoughts on Uranus opposition Saturn Nov 4 2008

We are being called to think outside the box, to step up to the plate and not flake out and disengage. Another challenge will be to not be the wounded child who says, “The heck with it I am out of here.”

Instead we must ground and stabilize the new, unique, and radical. And we must do the work to grow our rebel self up so we take mature actions.

Structures in our lives caught in a ridged status quo are calling to be awakened or enlightened or for us to invent something new instead of holding onto the status quo

At this first of 5 opposition between now and 2010 the revolution is a spiritual and intuitive one, a revolution in consciousness (Uranus in Pisces). Our vision and faith must be grounded in practical thoughts and action. ( Saturn in Virgo)

We can shift our consciousness through meditation so that we can be open to Higher guidance to know what to change in our lives.
We can also practice spiritual techniques that help us in accessing positive forms of consciousness so we do not get pulled into fear based consciousness.

Those of you who have taken the Blessing Class use some of those techniques to shift out of fear ( like turning on the inner smile, lighting yourself as a candle or joining the beating heart of the universe to shift our of your fear and to bless the situations.

If you are working with Abraham Hicks, deliberately move your emotions up the emotional index would help greatly

And in the terms of the Secret keep focused on what you intend to create. Hold an end vision in your mind and feel how you will feel when it manifests.

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