Friday, January 2, 2009


Dear Friends,

We are in challenging times as all can see and astrologically speaking, we will enter the year 2009 just having experienced the first of “5” Uranus/ Saturn oppositions which means we are all in a period of stress between old and new, conservative and progressive.( This lesson lasts through 2010)

We are just at the beginning stages of collectively changing our fear based and non sustainable relationships and structures. (Not philosophizing about them -Pluto in Sagittarius but changing them- Pluto in Capricorn). Humanity is becoming fully accountable for the consequences of our actions.

Our social, governmental and economic world is facing challenges to change manifested forms and we are experiencing inner challenges to be consciousness and help bring forth new social archetypes. Personally we need to look at what we are holding on to and what we need to relinquish to be part of the newly incoming systems of social archetypes.

We must heal patterns of disassociation and running away or disinhearted cynicism and risk showing up and giving our gifts and working for the greater good. We must let go of the old and invent a more sustainable future not just for our world and its resources, but individually in our own lives.

“We are the ones we have been waiting for.” We must expand our ability to contribute in our own unique way to the well-being of the collective. We must walk out talk now!
Overview: Discipline and responsibility are sacred tools to honor the new and emerging structure and functions of our lives in 2009. Where are you at with the level of rigidity and chaos in your life? Flexibility, openness, and creativity are the antidote to rigidity, while structure, form, and discipline balance runaway chaos. We are capable of far more than we realize, and 2009 brings lessons and experiences about the form and function of our own personal medicine to offer the world.