The Nodal Shift Dec. 9, 2007 through Aug. 21 2009
The Call to Develop Aquarian Traits
The journey of evolution and growth for mankind can be interpreted astrologically by where the nodal axis is in the Cosmic Sky. The placement in the Zodiac of the North Node, or the dragons head, indicates where our growth is and what is calling to be developed in our individual and collective lives. The placement of the South node, or dragon’s tail, shows us what is ready to be released or revamped.
Since the summer of 2006 we have been called to quit trying to “fix it!”, "analyze it", or "figure it out", (Virgo south node); and to let go and let God, (Pisces north node). We have had opportunities to let go of rescuing and self sacrifice. We have been asked to develop spirituality, creativity and to follow our dreams.
As of Dec 9th, 2007, the Collective Karmic lesson has moved into the signs Aquarius (North node) and Leo (south node). Now the collective destiny has shifted to lessons about developing Aquarian traits and releasing immature expression of Leo. We will spend the next 18 months developing progressive alternatives, experimental solutions, and learning to think from “we are all in this together”(Aquarius). We will be asked to let go of being in love with our own self development (Leo) and to fall in love with the tribe (Aquarius), and to bring our gifts (Leo) out and use them for the tribe.
See the list below for some examples:
- Expressing deep authenticity (Aquarius) vs. performing and scripting everything (Leo).
- Cultivating diversity (Aquarius) vs. it's all about me (Leo).
- Developing the witness position (Aquarius) and letting go of getting lost in our roles (Leo).
- Creating community (Aquarius) vs. self centeredness and inequity (negative Leo)
We will be asked to be applying our individual self expression and creativity (Leo) for the good of something greater than ourselves (Aquarius). We are asked to let go of negative Leo traits such as narcissism, feeling too important or trying to gain love and approval. It is time to develop our unique self expression within a frame work that is good for the whole and with an eye to what is good for the next generation.
The lessons of this time will help us let go of worrying about not being loved or performing to gain acceptance so that we can come from deep authenticity with no apology. An Aquarian weakness we must overcome is that of running away, while we develop the ability to give ourselves and others the space to contribute our uniqueness.
Romantically, we are asked to release our attraction to the glamour of romance (Leo) and to slow down and create success in relationships by discovering who the other person really is (Aquarius) before beginning sexual relationships. We are to let go of scripting everything and to look past our own projections and accept what is actually being offered. We will grow by allowing others to give to us and by graciously receiving the gift of their love in whatever form they package it (or offer it). We may also be asked to release self reliance and “do it myself” tendencies while we gracefully invite or accept the help of others. We must create win-win situations and not just focus on "what I want.”
In the end, the lesson of this phase will teach us that when we think in terms of contributing to the tribe (Aquarius) we will find the love and approval (Leo) we crave will already be included.
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