Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thoughts from my guides on Prosperity and Abundance

Thoughts from my guides on Prosperity and Abundance

Abundance and Plenty is present in your life because it is a principal of the Divine.
It is everywhere in everything. The question is what do you think you have an abundance of? Is it money, friends, happiness, love or problems, lack, dissatisfaction, disappointment, pain? Maybe we could say it is a question of where do you focus your attention. Do you focus on prosperity (the Latin root of which means “To make happy, favorable, successful, fortunate, thriving” or do you focus your abundance awareness on lack and dissatisfaction.

When you think about abundance do you think about all the things you like that you have an abundance of or all the things you do not like?

When you look at money do you see the abundance of what you do have or do you focus on what you lack.

It is the same with Love? Do you focus on all the types of love you have or do you focus on the one you lack?

To “Be” prosperous and to increase your prosperity, focus on all the types of love and abundance you already have. Focus on where you are thriving successful and fortunate. So that the Universe knows you want an abundance of these things that make you happy and bring you joy.

Some form of abundance is yours. You choose which it is by where you place your focus.

Please join me in seeing an abundant and prospering World.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hope Won

Hope Won

On Nov 4th election day and the day of the Uranus/ Saturn opposition “Hope won” in the form of Barack Obama who I think embodies the best of Saturn and Uranus and is a figure can walk the thin line of the balance between these two archetypes.

In the Hermetic esoteric teaching the middle ground is the place of power that the spiritual adept must walk. That is often seen as grey a perfect balance between black and white. And I think this man will be able to walk that line and that we will see through him the ability to embody the adept.

One line I wrote down that some commentator said was that Obama reflects the light back on. Pluto drug us down into the dark underworld of our philosophies and now the end result is a transformation to a leader like Obama being elected. Now we are on to dealing with the dark shadows of the Capricorn ruled governments and institutions and business with a commander and chief who has a solid descent Philosophy and will take steps to invent new ways.

Yes, I do believe through his election we have had a nonviolent revolution. We have used a voting government- Saturn structure to cast our votes for the innovative and new - Uranus. We have found the middle ground.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jeff and Ricks New Moom report

Here is the New Moon report by two of my favorite astrologers Jeff and Rick. I especially liked the words they used about Saturn Uranus conjuction Nov. 4th. "Renovate your own life with a combination of invention and responsibility."

Jeff Jawer and Rick Levine are counseling astrologers with clients from all walks of life. To find out how to arrange a private consultation with Jeff, see:
To find out more about a consultation with Rick, go to:
Visit for personalized astrology reports.

New Moon in Scorpio Tuesday, October 28, 4:14 pm PDT, 7:14 pm EDTPowerful feelings are stirred by the New Moon in passionate Scorpio. But these intense emotions can be buried so deeply that their cause may not be immediately obvious. You may have desires that you are unwilling to express or fears you don't want to face. Perhaps you want to cut someone out of your life, leave a job or radically change yourself. Satisfaction will come from admitting what you want most and recognizing the price you have to pay to get it.
Neptune Direct Saturday, November 1The forward turn of imaginative Neptune makes it easier to act on what you've been dreaming about during the past four months. A greater inclination to engage in spiritual practices, community service and more overt expressions of compassion can be expected in the days and weeks to come.
Saturn opposite Uranus Tuesday, November 4The first of these five major oppositions arrives in time for a U.S. election that perfectly reflects the symbolism of the Old Guard (Saturn) versus the New Wave (Uranus). We have until July 2010 to complete the process of breaking down old structures and rebuilding them in new forms. Positively, stable Saturn can give structure to Uranus' innovative ideas, yet it takes patience and discipline to make this happen. The world is being reshaped before our very eyes. Renovating your own life with a combination of invention and responsibility is a personal contribution to our collective growth.
Mercury in Scorpio Tuesday, November 4, 8:00 am PST, 11:00 am ESTIntellectual Mercury plunges into the emotional waters of Scorpio to intensify thinking and deepen conversations. Words become weightier as reactions to them grow stronger so choose them carefully. This is an opportune time for research and understanding human nature because we are able to look below the surface and extract meaning that will reveal hidden patterns in behavior and motivation.
Venus in Capricorn Wednesday, November 12, 7:25 am PST, 10:25 am ESTThis sociable planet may lose some of her grace and charm in ambitious Capricorn. Instead of seeking pleasure and equality, relationships may be dominated by a desire for control. Venus in competent Capricorn rewards responsible individuals who work hard for their success. However, if the urge to climb over others is too strong, trust in partnerships can be threatened.
Jupiter sextile UranusWednesday, November 12Generous Jupiter in prudent Capricorn gives meaning to Uranus' revolutionary impulses. Strategically planned evolution is favored with this supportive aspect. Jupiter's capacity to see the big picture helps bridge the gap between the Saturn-Uranus opposition, offering wise counsel to facilitate harmonious changes in public policy and private lives.
Full Moon in Taurus Wednesday, November 12, 10:19 pm PST, Thursday, November 13, 1:19 am ESTThe opposition of the Sun and Moon in the fixed signs of Scorpio and Taurus usually produces a stubborn showdown. However, dreamy Neptune's square to this Full Moon dissolves differences that will help us to release fears about resources and battles for control. Avoid sketchy financial moves as fantasy could undermine fiscal responsibility. We may, though, be able to resolve long-term conflicts over values by embracing a broader spiritual view and forgiving others.
Mars in Sagittarius Sunday, November 16, 12:27 am PST, 3:27 am ESTEnergetic Mars is free to roam in farseeing Sagittarius, a sign of adventure and enthusiasm. Travel, physical activity and the pursuit of meaningful goals are supported by the warrior planet's presence in this limitless sign. Philosophical battles and carelessness with details are potential pitfalls.
Jupiter trine Saturn Friday, November 21This Jupiter-Saturn connection brings good judgment, maturity and a proper sense of proportion for making a big plan that can be effectively executed. The constructive aspect between the planets of optimism and reality in practical earth signs provides a solid framework for advancing a career or taking on any major project.
Sun in Sagittarius Friday, November 21, 2:45 pm PST, 5:45 pm ESTThe Sun's entry into Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius raises hopes as we head for the holidays. The weight of the past is lifted in a sign seeking light everywhere, even in the darkest of places. All your worries may not disappear, yet an open mind creates space for them to gradually fade away. Be grateful, even under less than ideal conditions. Celebrate Life in the dance of Heaven and Earth, one foot on the ground and one foot reaching for the sky.
Mercury in Sagittarius Saturday, November 22, 11:09 pm PST, Sunday, November 23, 2:09 am ESTDetail-oriented Mercury can act like a pompous fool in opinionated Sagittarius. Big promises and unfounded declarations make it hard to have an objective conversation. It's easy to fall into "sell" mode when every statement is made to impress others about something that may or may not be true. Enthusiasm is a great trait as long as it's balanced with a willingness to listen.
Pluto in Capricorn Wednesday, November 26The Lord of the Underworld, which tested Capricorn's rocky terrain from late January until mid-June, returns to this sign until 2023. The transformational power of Pluto will affect organizations and institutions that have grown rotten at the core. Destruction, though, will be followed by purification and, finally, transformation. We are not only recreating the shape of society, but are on the brink of redefining human potential.
Uranus Direct Thursday, November 27The urges for change that have been muted during Uranus' 4-month retrograde period are now ripe for external expression. The balance between the forces of fear and those of invention is shifting into a forward mode that invites innovation and discovery. Errors will be made, of course, but a willingness to experiment with new social forms and individual expectations allows us to learn, adjust and keep on trying.
The New Moon in Scorpio compresses emotions and brings us back to the basics of survival. It signals a need to recommit to relationships, work, friends, projects and family that really matter or face the changes that are forced upon us. An honest inventory of needs and desires, however, will provide strength and a sense of purpose to handle any challenge.
Have a great month!
Jeff Jawer, Publisher, ...because timing is everything!
The online version of this New Moon report, including the charts of the New and Full Moon can be found at
(c)2008,, Inc.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thoughts on Uranus opposition Saturn Nov 4 2008

Thoughts on Uranus opposition Saturn Nov 4 2008

We are being called to think outside the box, to step up to the plate and not flake out and disengage. Another challenge will be to not be the wounded child who says, “The heck with it I am out of here.”

Instead we must ground and stabilize the new, unique, and radical. And we must do the work to grow our rebel self up so we take mature actions.

Structures in our lives caught in a ridged status quo are calling to be awakened or enlightened or for us to invent something new instead of holding onto the status quo

At this first of 5 opposition between now and 2010 the revolution is a spiritual and intuitive one, a revolution in consciousness (Uranus in Pisces). Our vision and faith must be grounded in practical thoughts and action. ( Saturn in Virgo)

We can shift our consciousness through meditation so that we can be open to Higher guidance to know what to change in our lives.
We can also practice spiritual techniques that help us in accessing positive forms of consciousness so we do not get pulled into fear based consciousness.

Those of you who have taken the Blessing Class use some of those techniques to shift out of fear ( like turning on the inner smile, lighting yourself as a candle or joining the beating heart of the universe to shift our of your fear and to bless the situations.

If you are working with Abraham Hicks, deliberately move your emotions up the emotional index would help greatly

And in the terms of the Secret keep focused on what you intend to create. Hold an end vision in your mind and feel how you will feel when it manifests.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Eclipse Season

Since I have been blogging about the Aug. 1st. Eclipse thought I'd post this blog entry from the comsic reporter on Tarot .com as it is nicely worded article on Eclipse season and might help you understand eclipses.

Welcome to Eclipse Season July 15th, 2008 by Cosmic Reporter

Maybe it seems a little early to be blogging about an astro-event that’s a few weeks away, but I’m starting to feel it. Feel what? The intensity, pressure and emotional drama of the August 1st Solar Eclipse in Leo.
As of this Friday’s Full Moon in Capricorn, we will have officially entered what I fondly refer to as “Eclipse Season.” We get two of these periods every year, each lasting approximately six weeks — starting two weeks before the first Eclipse and ending about two weeks after the second.
Eclipses come in pairs (sometimes in threes), and are basically super-charged New or Full Moons. Since ancient times, Eclipses have been considered bad omens, signifying the death of monarchs, among other unpleasant events. Indigenous peoples performed rituals and ceremonies and offered sacrifices at Eclipses, to ensure that the Sun and Moon returned.
We don’t have too much royalty around anymore, but often the deaths of significant celebrities and politicians coincide with Eclipse Season. We also see explosive world events happen during these times. Mundane astrologers, who apply the Cosmic Science to world affairs, make predictions based on the degree of the zodiac at which the Eclipse occurs, the duration of the Eclipse, as well as other factors.
On a personal level, we modern astrologers tend to view Eclipses in a more positive light — as catalysts for change. The extent to which Eclipses ignite transformation in your own life depends on how the Eclipse is interacting with your personal astrological make-up (i.e., how the planets at the time of the Eclipse interact with the planets in your birth chart).
Eclipses are times when what has been repressed or denied comes into consciousness. Not always a fun time (hey, there’s a reason we repressed those things in the first place!), but necessary and helpful in the long run. Think of it as a bi-annual emotional cleansing or purging. You’ll notice that illness is more common during these times, as we cleanse on a physical level as well.
This intense energy will keep on building as we approach the Eclipses (the second is a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 16th, by the way). You’ll be hearing a lot more about how to work with Eclipses, but my advice for now is to breathe, find ways to stay grounded, and consider what elements in your life may be ready for transformation.
Is anyone else feeling the pressure?

Monday, July 21, 2008

New Moon Solar Eclipse Aug 1st 2008

Aug 1st New Moon solar eclipse in Leo.

What’s going on at a Solar Eclipse? Solar Eclipses happen when the orbital paths of the moon and Earth align precisely enough for the moon to block the light of the Sun. For a few minutes you could say the moon –the soul, or intuitive mind overshadows the Sun, the rational mind. And energetic matrixes are opened, reorganized, and reconfigured creating new pathways and new patterns. And we are given a new glimpse of our souls intentions.

The sign qualities receiving this new matrix are those of the sign Leo. Leo represents the journey of discovering and expressing our individual spark of self expression (Our path of heart).

Maybe you will have a new path opening to you after this eclipse for expressing your heart path or for doing what brings you joy. So listen to your heart and set soul inspired goals. (New Moons are a good times to set goals) And explore what you need to be creating to express your core self.

New goals might also revolve around looking for where you need will power (sun power) to walk your heart path and not get lost in someone else’s. Dare to make changes that are in alignment with your true nature.

“The secret of change is to not focus all your energy on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates

As most of you reading this already know, Nietzsche was a German philosopher who taught that traditional values represented a "slave morality." His quest for personal liberation is associated with some New Age thinking today. He maintained that all human behavior is motivated by the will to power -- the power over oneself that is necessary for creativity. As role models for what Nietzsche called an "overman," he mentioned Socrates, Jesus, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Shakespeare. When questioned about the "Live Dangerously" sign, Nietzsche claimed it was to remind him, "My fear is great." Nietzsche advocated "letting go" and living life as a great adventure. What about you? Your inner nature calls for you to quest and learn and grow."No," you say. "I want security. Aliveness is dangerous. I cannot follow my inner nature."But when you try to protect yourself from change to maintain security, more often than not, you'll experience a reduction in your life-force. Your soul will suffer. And for what? Security isn't secure. Life always changes. Living dangerous means when you're offered a choice, you take the growth choice not the safe choice, the comfortable choice, or the socially acceptable choice. You choose based upon what generates aliveness for you. Whatever results will provide an opportunity to learn and grow.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pluto’s Journey through the Last Degrees of Sagittarius

Pluto’s Journey through the Last Degrees of Sagittarius
A personal account experienced through meditation journey

I spent a lot of time yesterday contemplating Pluto’s journey through the degrees of Sagittarius it is retrograding back to in its last pass through the sign of Sagittarius (which it began June 13th 2008 where it will reside until November 26th.)

Pluto’s journey in Sagittarius has exposed our shadows philosophically and transformed many of us into broader minded individuals.

I did a journey to talk to Pluto about its expression in Capricorn and Sagittarius and what I encountered symbolically was Pluto the God of the Underworld changing his clothes. As He left Capricorn to return to Sagittarius’s realm he took off his business suit and put on academic robes and went into a room full of books and paper stacked everywhere and told me to sort through my philosophies and get rid of the things I no longer believed in so that when he returned to Capricorn He would know which of my beliefs to give form and structure to and what to tear down to make way for what I was choosing build.

He had a rather ruthless attitude and was wadding up a lot of the papers and throwing them in the waste basket and saying no this is not in alignment with your soul and where the world is going. This must die and this over here can live to be built into the new world structures that are emerging.
And this thought here is incomplete and must be revisited and refined so I think I will put this attitude of yours into the fire and help you see what has to be done for what you have to give the world to fit into the world that is emerging.


Here is a link to a beautiful and inspiring U-Tube presntation.

Friday, March 28, 2008


FW: Attend to Your Journey - a note from Linda Fitch‏

.Today I ran across a talk by Alberto Villoldo about the Mayan profhecies for 2012.
It ended with the following thoughts.
I got really turned on to the question "am I going to continue to learn from suffering or am I going to be part of the new world and learn from joy and grace and beauty? " I think I have been having an attack of suffering the last couple of weeks and glad to say today I am getting out of it. I noticed on my own today that maybe what was blocking me was that I did not believe I could have my preferances that I wanted to learn more than I wanted to have my preferances (and then I noticed that I must believe I could not learn from preferance only from suffering) and then I thought "I want to learn the lessons I could learn from living my preferances." So I asked to have help surrendering to learning from receiveing my preferances. Then I decided to listen to Alberto Volloldo's talk and at the end he was talking about learning from suffering or from joy. First time I have felt in the flow for a few day. And it came through the Alberto connection. I truly choose to learn from joy.
Thank you thank you universe for the choice of leaning from joy and beauty and grace.

To listen to Alberto's talk go to this address and scrole down to the yellow button.

Monday, January 7, 2008

The Nodal Shift to Aquarius/ Leo Dec. 9, 2007 through Aug. 21 2009

The Nodal Shift Dec. 9, 2007 through Aug. 21 2009
The Call to Develop Aquarian Traits

The journey of evolution and growth for mankind can be interpreted astrologically by where the nodal axis is in the Cosmic Sky. The placement in the Zodiac of the North Node, or the dragons head, indicates where our growth is and what is calling to be developed in our individual and collective lives. The placement of the South node, or dragon’s tail, shows us what is ready to be released or revamped.

Since the summer of 2006 we have been called to quit trying to “fix it!”, "analyze it", or "figure it out", (Virgo south node); and to let go and let God, (Pisces north node). We have had opportunities to let go of rescuing and self sacrifice. We have been asked to develop spirituality, creativity and to follow our dreams.

As of Dec 9th, 2007, the Collective Karmic lesson has moved into the signs Aquarius (North node) and Leo (south node). Now the collective destiny has shifted to lessons about developing Aquarian traits and releasing immature expression of Leo. We will spend the next 18 months developing progressive alternatives, experimental solutions, and learning to think from “we are all in this together”(Aquarius). We will be asked to let go of being in love with our own self development (Leo) and to fall in love with the tribe (Aquarius), and to bring our gifts (Leo) out and use them for the tribe.

See the list below for some examples:
- Expressing deep authenticity (Aquarius) vs. performing and scripting everything (Leo).
- Cultivating diversity (Aquarius) vs. it's all about me (Leo).
- Developing the witness position (Aquarius) and letting go of getting lost in our roles (Leo).
- Creating community (Aquarius) vs. self centeredness and inequity (negative Leo)

We will be asked to be applying our individual self expression and creativity (Leo) for the good of something greater than ourselves (Aquarius). We are asked to let go of negative Leo traits such as narcissism, feeling too important or trying to gain love and approval. It is time to develop our unique self expression within a frame work that is good for the whole and with an eye to what is good for the next generation.

The lessons of this time will help us let go of worrying about not being loved or performing to gain acceptance so that we can come from deep authenticity with no apology. An Aquarian weakness we must overcome is that of running away, while we develop the ability to give ourselves and others the space to contribute our uniqueness.

Romantically, we are asked to release our attraction to the glamour of romance (Leo) and to slow down and create success in relationships by discovering who the other person really is (Aquarius) before beginning sexual relationships. We are to let go of scripting everything and to look past our own projections and accept what is actually being offered. We will grow by allowing others to give to us and by graciously receiving the gift of their love in whatever form they package it (or offer it). We may also be asked to release self reliance and “do it myself” tendencies while we gracefully invite or accept the help of others. We must create win-win situations and not just focus on "what I want.”

In the end, the lesson of this phase will teach us that when we think in terms of contributing to the tribe (Aquarius) we will find the love and approval (Leo) we crave will already be included.