Sunday, December 16, 2007

New Year's Message 2008

Since I was 10 years old I have believed I was here on earth to be a part of a new spirituality. At 10 I would have said I was here to be part of a new religion as I had not yet separated the two concepts (and I would have added that all religions had a piece of the truth and that none of them had it all and the new religion would take what worked from each of them and put it together in a new way).

So, needless to say I was attracted to the so called “New Age movement”. What the New Age movement meant to me at the time was the idea of honoring and blending all old spiritual paths in a new way. It meant letting go of dogmatic religious structures which said “this is the only way”. We came to speak of Spirituality, not of Religions (the forms and structures man had developed to express Spirit).

I tried to identify why I cared about blending the spiritual paths and came to know it was part of evolution; part of mankind’s maturation, to embrace a broad inclusive experience of Spirit. To help others claim their own ability to connect directly to Spirit in a meaningful way not dictated by a form someone else made up became my imperative.

What I have found worked for me out of my explorations is something I have named Eclectic Spirituality. I believe all religious forms have value and have parts of the puzzle of life, and Spirit. My Guides are fond of saying that if established religions had all the pieces we would no longer need to be here.

I have found the fundamental principals of Spirituality are love, peace, joy, light, openness, and abundant life for all. And after 52 years of consciously watching and participating in creating this new Spirituality, I believe that what I knew as a child was that I was here to be part of the Evolution of Mankind’s relationship with Spirit.

Now why I am writing about this is that I want to share with you through the astrological perspective where we are regarding this Spiritual evolution. I am an astrologer amongst others things and astrologically speaking the last 12 years of Pluto’s passage through the heavens has brought this issue foreword for all mankind. Pluto has been in the segment of the heavens called Sagittarius, the sign of the philosopher and the seeker of spiritual truth. Pluto, being an underworld Deity, has dredged up for all to see the folly of ridged religious beliefs and the use of religion to excuse violence and domination. Pluto has pushed us as a world to transform our beliefs and find room for all religions and spiritual paths.

And now currently, as Pluto leaves Sagittarius, having matured us philosophically by making us look at the skeletons of fundamental thinking, it is about to start in on a 15 year journey through the sign of Capricorn. What Pluto will do in Capricorn is dredge up from the depths of our individual and collective subconscious what ever shadows are in the way of our giving form to what our spirit finds meaningful. We will be asked to face our shadows and take a stand, step up to the plate and walk our talk responsibly.

Over the next 15 years Pluto, the archetype of transformation, in Capricorn, the sign of form and structure, will transform worn our structures and help us to embody evolved institutions, including political, business, and family structures.

Capricorn is a feminine sign whose original symbol was the sea goat representing a blending of the feminine (the ocean) and the masculine (action of walking on the planet). Pluto in Capricorn is calling us to manage the structures we build from the feminine circular way of concern for the future generations and the well being of all on the planet.

At first we may have to meet the shadow of Capricorn which is fear based control but over the next 16 years we will be taught true control is over ourselves, our fear and about staying on the highest path. We will be asked to look at where we have thought we were too small to make a difference and step up and take personal responsibility for our individual part in the evolution of the forms and structures that are out of harmony with sustaining life on the planet. It is time to embody love, light, peace, joy and abundant life for all.